Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"What we've got here is failure concentrate!"

OK, the header is a play off the classic line where the prison warden in Cool Hand Luke lays down the law. Or at least his version.

But the Asiana Airlines Crash in San Francisco and subsequent sub-stories has me wondering about failure to ...CONCENTRATE.

Let's start with the crash itself. It initially appears the flight crew came in too low and too slow, resulting in the landing gear and tail of the Boeing 777 hitting the sea wall, resulting in a terrible crash.  3 people are confirmed dead, many more seriously injured. It could have been worse.

Yes, the pilot in command was relatively new to the aircraft, but still an experienced pilot already checked out on other aircraft like the Boeing 747. His check pilot and relief crew were also highly experienced. Thousands of hours of flying time among the four.

The biggest plane I ever landed was a Piper Cherokee but regardless of the size of aircraft certain principals apply including maintaining proper approach speed and angle of descent. Technology makes it almost automatic but the person flying the airplane has to be paying attention. Landing is a critical time. In this case, the weather was good, and it was a straight in approach. Routine. Perhaps too much so. It can effect ...concentration.

It will take a while for the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) to sort things out but failure to concentrate likely will be among the findings.

Then we get to the issue of area station KTVU who mistakenly named the flight crew as follows, live on air.

Sum Tee Wong
Other crew:
Wi Tu Lo
Ho Lee Fuk
Bang Ding Ow

I'm a former television news director and executive producer, but that experience aside, one quick look/read of the script and you have to know something is wrong. There are numerous people involved in the production of a newscast and at the very least the news anchors should have caught the obvious before reading it live on air. Like reading it prior to air. Failure to concentrate up and down the food chain.

Adding insult to injury is that San Francisco has a significant Asian population who were justifiably ...insulted.

KTVU, while accepting full blame (as they should) did say they "confirmed" the names with the NTSB. Which leads us to even more failure to concentrate.

Apparently the NTSB "Representative" KTVU "confirmed" the story with was an intern! You don't leave such duties to interns, it should be handled by senior communications officers with the agency. Especially involving an incident like this. Failure to concentrate by the very agency tasked with finding out if the flight crew was concentrating.

The Asiana Flight Crew, KTVU and the NTSB. What indeed we've got here failure to concentrate. We all have every reason to be very, very concerned.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations 
"We start the conversation about you!"