Friday, September 9, 2011

9/11. Remember? Yes. Holiday? No.

This Sunday we mark the 10 year anniversary of the attack on America. Planes became missiles as thousands died at the hands of terrorists. We'll never be the same again. Ever.

There are more than a few people who think that 9/11 should become a national holiday, like Martin Luther King Day.

I disagree.

MLK deserves to be honored and remembered. But the national holiday in his name is only celebrated by some, not all. Federal and State employees get the day off, most schools are closed. Malls are busy, movie theaters are full. But most folks head off to work. Martin Luther King was all about all people having equal opportunity to do just that. Not just some.

MLK day has always seemed to me a wasted opportunity. Schools are closed. Why? Wouldn't this be a great day for this generation of students to look back and study what Dr. King and countless thousands risked their lives for? A day to watch his famous speech at the Lincoln Monument, arguably one of the best delivered and impactful speeches in our nation's history. To talk about it, analyze it and learn more about all that led up to that speech.

I fear that if one was to walk into a classroom and ask students who Rosa Parks was, most wouldn't know about a lady who by refusing to give up her seat, allowed everyone eventually to have a seat.

Instead we simply waste a valuable educational opportunity.

IF, there were to become a 9/11 holiday, some but not all would have the day off. Malls would be busy, theaters full. The rest would head off to work.

We must and always remember 9/11 and remember the lives lost, the heroics of those who rushed towards the carnage instead of away from it, the impact of that day on our nation today.

It seems to me that both days should be seen as opportunities to unite this divided nation. Another holiday will accomplish just the opposite.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations

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