Friday, January 20, 2012

Western Voters are being Disenfranchised

Apparently the political powers that be, put together the current primary system before Lewis and Clark ventured west of the wide Missouri. If I hear 'Palmetto State" one more time I'll, well, let me simmer down.

It all starts in Iowa, which at best is mid-west. Then the circus heads off to New Hampshire, South Carolina and maybe Florida before a nominee is picked.

Meanwhile here out west (Where it's best) we see nary a candidate. The entire western half of the country is left out of the decision making process. Last time I checked, we're allowed to vote out here but an out-dated political system leaves us outside looking east.

Sadly all the decision makers live in Washington DC and New York City,  and these folks just don't think we're important. It's a disgrace both geographically and politically.

At least one western state should be part of the early process. Maybe a multi-state early primary but for goodness sake, let us take part in the selection process of who we want as our party's nominee, Democrat or Republican.

We deserve the right to see the candidates, we deserve the right to play a key role in picking which one we think is best.

It's called Democracy.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations

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