Saturday, July 14, 2012

Frontier Airlines-So long and farewell.

I'm writing this on a Sunday evening in Atlanta at a hotel near the airport. I'm supposed to be on Frontier Flight 305 with my wife and two grand children.

We have long ago since stopped using Frontier as our main airline to Atlanta, the folks on the ground here are, well, incompetent and service on Frontier has slowly sunk to new levels each an every flight.

Our flight was cancelled due to mechanical problems. OK, that happens. How the airline handles the problem is what's important. First of all, Frontier has our contact information, they're supposed to call with any issues. They didn't call. Secondly, the flight showed "on time" on the info boards. After a LONG wait at check-in we were told what happened.

As far as flying out on a later flight on Frontier, we would have had to wait TWO DAYS to get seats. So we asked to be put on another flight, which ended up being on USAir for Sunday at 7am, connecting through Charlotte NC then on to Denver. At least we get there. Proof also the shortest distance between two points isn't a straight line, especially if Frontier Airlines is part of the original plan.

So we head over to USAir to double check the reservation and seat assignments, which I'm glad we did as Frontier gave us the wrong ticket coupons to use on US Air. So, back to Frontier's gate, getting the right coupons and finally, we hope after a few hours sleep with two young grand kids, we can make it home tomorrow.

Frontier, simply put, blew it. Absolutely the worst handling of a situation and thus, they lose long time customers. Frontier Airlines claims to be Denver's "hometown" airline, but they ain't my airline.

Shame on you Frontier. Poor management has resulted in even poorer employees on the front lines and of course it's we customers who take it in the shorts.

There are other choices, and we will indeed be using those choices. As for a new animal on the tail of your planes, may I suggest a horse's rear-end?

(We just got an e-mail from Frontier. Out flight has been cancelled!)

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations

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