Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Honoring the first, and last men on the moon.

We all mourn the loss of Neil Armstrong, the first human to walk on the surface of the moon. We honor that small step all those years ago and his passing is one great loss for mankind.

I never got to meet Armstrong, not a lot of folks did unless you worked directly with him. It was his nature to quietly go about life as a pilot, engineer and teacher.

I was fortunate to see two men who walked on the moon, including Buzz Aldrin who followed Armstrong to the lunar surface as the 2nd man to walk on the moon.

A couple of years ago I got to see the the last man to walk on the moon, Gene Cernan. He was honored by Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum with the 2010 Spreading Wings Award.

Here's a video we produced of his speech that night. While we remember Neil Armstrong for being first, let's not forget those who followed in his foot prints and more importantly, when if ever, will we go back.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations

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