Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Walking to School

A week and a half ago, young Jessica Ridgeway left for school. Her mom watched her walk down the street on her way to a park where she'd meet friends for the rest of trip to school.

It was the last time she was seen alive. Her body was found a week later in a field. A community mourns and is anxious for revenge. There is a monster loose among us and if FBI profiles are to be believed, it's likely someone who's been in the community for a while.

Kids shouldn't disappear on the way to school. It's not right. It's a sad testimony how our civilization has become, less civilized.

We were in Atlanta visiting our own grand kids following the story online, hoping against hope for a happy ending. There was no happy ending.

Our grand kids are never out of the sight of family or very trusted adults. They're escorted to the bus stop for school, watched as they board and there is always someone there to pick them up after they get off the bus home.

All sorts of activities that kids do are monitored. Closely. It's the way our world is these days.

Growing up as a kid my friends and me walked to school right up to the time we were old enough to drive. We thought nothing of it. We'd walk to cub scout meetings, often at night albeit as a group but mostly without an adult escort.

We thought nothing of it.

I'll bet you when they catch the monster that did this, it (can't refer to it in human terms) will have a previous record. Just like the driver of the hit and run car that killed a young woman a few weeks earlier. One reporter on TV literally unfurled pages of documents showing the suspect had a LONG list of prior arrests for drugs, DUI and well, it was a long list. But the system kept on letting him out. An innocent woman is dead. Justice? Ask her family. It should never have been allowed to happen in the first place.

One of the problems with our so-called "Justice System" is we keep on letting bad people out over and over again, to commit crimes over and over again.

When the "Justice Center" was built in downtown Denver, much was made of its beauty of design. WHY? They should have taken a page out of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and built it ugly. An example of where you end up when you break the law. Arpaio gets all sorts of grief from a long list of liberal do-gooders. His response is simple and to the point. Don't break the law and I won't arrest you.

We have a second home in south-central Colorado and our drive down takes us by the Super Max in Florence. It's good to know that the place is designed to keep the worst monsters among us locked up and under control. In most cases they throw away the key.

If government insists on building "Shovel Ready" projects, then build more jails. Make them big, ugly and scary looking. We need judges who will put people away, literally when they do bad things. One thing I like about the Chinese system of justice is when you're convicted they take you out back and shoot you in the head. Cuts down on recidivism.

Do-gooders love to carry "Thou shalt not kill" signs. The quote is right, you're not supposed to kill but if you read further into scripture the point is made there's a price to pay when you do.

I hope they catch the monster that took Jessica away from us. I hope they punish this monster to the fullest extent of the law. I am not so sanguine about our "Justice" system's courage to do so. Weak lawmakers make weak laws. We have too many weak lawmakers. We have people who have been on death row for the most heinous crimes. They've been there for decades. Appeals, motions blah blah blah. Their victims are dead. They live on.

It's just plain wrong and innocent children like Jessica shouldn't have to pay for it.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you" (And don't mind sharing an opinion from time to time)

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