Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Best Election Analysis Ever

We're being bombarded today, and will be in the days to come by pundits about "what happened?" last night.

Most of it is just blather. Oh bother. Why bother?

Back in 1994 I was News Director for KBMT-TV in Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX. A Democrat, Jack Brooks, had served over 40 years representing our district. He's in the background of that iconic shot of LBJ taking the oath of office aboard Air Force One on that dark day in Dallas.

Brooks was beaten by a Republican upstart who ran his campaign out of his garage. It was a stunner of an upset.

The obvious question to Brooks was, "Why do you think you lost?" His response? "Because the other guy got more votes than I did."

An eyewitness to history with four decades in the house, he could have gone on and on. He instead decided simply to move on. After all, the other guy got more votes than he did.

A good example for all of us.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you!"

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