Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Amazing (Fall From) Grace

For years I believed him. For years I was angry at those attacked them. Boy did Lance Armstrong fool me!

Lance Armstrong cheated. He admitted it to Oprah Winfrey. But only after decades of denying it, blasting/attacking/suing his critics, making millions from his cycling wins and cheating his sport and his fans.

He's a liar and a cheater and in this case, there will be, there must be no redemption. Armstrong attacked those who dared challenge him. He sued news outlets who we now know reported the truth. He received millions from sponsors like Nike who believe he just didn't do it.

Liar, liar, peddle pants on fire.

There was a time, under the right circumstances when a mea culpa on Oprah could help someone out of a self-dug dark hole. But Oprah ain't what she used to be and Armstrong was never what he claimed to be.

He's also a disgrace to cancer patients of all types, everywhere. Much was said about his own fight with cancer. Big deal. Lots of people have and are fighting cancer. They're also honest.  Armstrong wasn't a cancer survivor, just a liar and cheater with cancer. Sure, he formed a foundation. Lots of people are helping in the fight against cancer. The huge majority, unlike Armstrong, are honest.

If Armstrong has the slightest belief in any sort of redemption, he's lying to himself. Just like he lied to us. He also lied to the media, especially sports media and that is the kiss of PR death. They will come after him with a vengeance followed closely by armies of lawyers. Reporters by nature are cynics. It's people like Lance Armstrong that make them that way.

Once synonymous with athletic achievement of the highest standard, he's now a fallen idol to kids who have to be saying, "Say it ain't so Lance." But it is so. He told Oprah so.

The distance from being on top of the world to a late night joke is a very short one.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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