Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"The People" vs Paula Deen

Paula Deen has found herself in what we in the business call a "PR Crisis."

She's a hugely recognizable brand just due to the strength of her personality. To be honest, I didn't watch her now former-show on Food Network but did go to her restaurant once in Savannah, GA. Nice food but not on my bucket list in the future. But millions of others at least used to love her.

Frankly in an increasingly health-conscious world, her butter-rich recipes and own health problems were already a PR issue. But I eat what I eat, and I don't care what other people eat. I dislike the "Food Police."

The real flap happened however when it was revealed she had used the "N Word." Not acceptable. But is it forgivable?

Ultimately that's up to you as consumers to decide.

Today she appeared on "Today" doing an interview with Matt Lauer. I watched it. Lauer was tough, but polite. Ms. Deen obviously is upset by all this and it was a very emotional interview.

USA Today asked some "PR Experts" to weigh in on how she did. Opinions were mixed. But this article in the Huffington Post seems to show her fans are willing to forgive and forget.

If anyone reading this hasn't said or done something stupid in your life, step forward for sainthood. But in this digital word, what you say can, strike that, WILL be used against you. Instantly.

What she said is wrong. She says she's sorry. The question now is, will her fans and business partners find it in their hearts to forgive her?

All this of course is an object lesson for anyone in public life. Fair or not, the rules are different. Fame does sometimes have a price.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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