Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Amendment 66: Just say NO!

I write this today as an MVP  member of the South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce, and as a member of the Business Leaders for Responsible Government Committee of the Chamber.

There's a $950,000,000 tax increase on the ballot this fall in Colorado. It's called Amendment 66. Supporters claim it's all about funding education. But after multiple meeting at the State Capitol and at the Chamber with State Legislators, members of local school districts and State Senator Mike Johnston who crafted the legislation, we as a Chamber come away opposing Amendment 66.

This tax increase is bad because:

    •    It is in the form of a graduated income tax which will hurt small businesses taxed at the individual rate
    •    It is an 8% tax increase on income below $75,000 and a 27% tax increase on income above $75,000
    •    There is no broad base of support
    •    There is not enough reform or performance metrics associated with the tax increase
    •    This is a statewide issue but the tax increase is Denver-centric

The Chamber has also produced this video outlining the many "Cons" of Amendment 66:

The South Metro Chamber is not alone in opposing Amendment 66. The National Federation of Independent Business has joined in opposition. So are a growing number of other organizations and taxpayers across Colorado.

Not surprisingly there are millions of dollars flowing into Colorado in support of this tax increase, much of it from Washington, DC and ...NEW YORK CITY! Wow, there's a surprise. Wonder why people who don't live here, want to tell us how to run our affairs? Special interests perhaps?

This is a non-partisan issue. We all pay taxes regardless of the letter beside our name. The choice is if you want to pay $950,000,000 more in taxes every year with little if any accountability as to just how and where the money is spent. I've personally asked Senator Johnston 4 times specifically where the money will go and he hasn't been able to give me (or anyone else in the room) a direct answer other than we'll find out after the money is spent. I like Senator Johnston personally, his heart is in the right place on this, but this Amendment isn't.

Supporters are promising a lot, but over and over again when we press for details we don't get any.

So ...we say NO!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you!"

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