Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Amendment 66: Colorado Voters say NO! to East Coast Elite

Last night Colorado Voters had a choice via Amendment 66; to either become more and more like California or maintain the historic "Right or Center" stance that up until recently was the hallmark of the state. Change that from "Was" to "Is now."

Amendment 66 was a billion dollar tax increase, speared headed by Colorado State Senator Mike Johnston and funded by folks like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg along with special interest groups from Washington, DC and New York City.

This was Bloomberg's second attempt to mess with Colorado politics, earlier getting involved in two recall elections and our 2nd Amendment rights.

Bloomberg now 0-2 in Colorado politics.

Why did Amendment 66 Fail? Let us count the ways.

  1. As I write this the vote count is 66% against, 34% for with 85% of precincts reporting. What we call and old fashioned "Butt Whuppin"
  2. The man behind the initial legislation and resulting amendment on the ballot, Senator Mike Johnson could never answer the most basic questions. Question like "Just how will the money be spend." Another non-starter in the Q&A department was why there was no focus on things like accountability and things like excellence. When the guy asking for a billion dollar blank check can't answer what it's for, well, you can't fool all the people all the time.
  3. Ultimately the voters of Colorado can't be bought. The folks back east tend to look down their noses at us country folk here in the West. The spent 10 million bucks trying to, again, fool us. We in turn decided to thumb our noses back at them and offer them two words, which most assuredly weren't "Good luck.
South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce President and CEO John Brackney summed things up rather nicely in a post on Facebook:

"Colorado has pivoted back to it's historic roots of a center right* state. November 2014 early prediction: This change will be cemented for a generation.

We will still be considered one of the most competitive swing states in the nation as "experts" will fail to understand the underlying cultural conversation that is going on in homes, neighborhoods and businesses across Colorado. * but libertarian leaning

Leading up to the election, John spent every Monday out of the office as part of his "Colorado Common Sense Tour", meeting with fellow Chambers, local news outlets and the folks who live on Main Street. What didn't surprise him was understanding the fundamental disconnect between the rural and metro areas of Colorado. It's something John, as leader of the South Metro Chamber is going to work to fix. Part of that will include and already significant and continuing dialog with our State Legislators.

So to the folks back east, we hope you've learned a lesson. All your money don't mean squat when it comes to Colorado setting it's own course. Sadly, it's a lesson you won't learn. I have no doubt that the likes of Bloomberg will continue to stick their noses in our business.

They might consider however that the next time they try, we just might bite them off.

Brian Olson
Highlands Ranch/Westcliffe CO

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