Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Art of the Trump aka Marketing 101

"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. "-Oscar Wilde

Donald Trump is running for President of the United States. Maybe. Before continuing, this is not about whether he'd be a good President or a bad one, but an analysis of classic marketing.

Before I wrote this, I made a point of checking in with the weekend news/talk shows to see if indeed, Trump was still the big story. He was and is.

One columnist opined that voters are chumps, hence the popularity, at least for now of the idea of a Trump candidacy. The electorate is anything but chumps. What the public is, is pissed off. Donald Trump is tapping into that emotion. It's what marketing is all about. He seems to be about the only person who understands a lot folks are unhappy on Main Street.

It's fun to watch the news media come along for the ride. Left-leaning media (yes they exist) lampoon Trump at every turn. The right-leaning media (yes they exist,) pooh pooh's Trump at every turn. The rest of the media reports it all. Over and over and over.

All this coverage costs Trump nothing. Trump doesn't care what the media says, or thinks about him just as long as they're talking about him. He's a showman even P.T. Barnum would be jealous of. All he cares is that everyone spells his name right because if they spell your name right, there's no such thing as bad publicity. Unless it's your obituary; not my opinion but that of Irish writer Brendan Behan.

Trump is marketing the Trump brand, which may or may not be a political one. Either way, he has the full support of the media.

Before posting this I did a last minute spell-check and Trump is spelled correctly. You're welcome Donald.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations

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