Friday, April 29, 2011

Two Couples, Two Stories. One Day.

**UPDATE*** Shuttle launch has been scrubbed for 48 hours. This happened after original post.

There are two major stories happening today involving two couples. A prince and princess, and an astronaut and congresswoman. Two extraordinary couples.

First there's the Royal Wedding of Prince William and now Princess Katherine. We knew them as William and Kate, now officially they're the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. They will be the focus of world-wide attention, especially the princess, the rest of their lives. An often ugly horde of "paparazzi" will follow "Kate's" every move as they did Prince William's mother. Let's hope for a happier ending. There's nothing like a prince, a princess and a castle to capture our imaginations. Here in America, which long ago threw off the yoke of British Monarchy, tens of millions got up well before dawn to view the nuptials. The media horde in London today is mostly comprised of Americans, and the British.

Closer to home at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, another story unfolds as Astronaut and Navy Captain Mark Kelly commands the crew of Shuttle Endeavour on its final flight before being retired from service. Most of us didn't even know who he was until earlier this year, even though he's an astronaut. Capt. Kelly is married to Arizona Representative Gabrielle "Gabby" Giffords who was gunned down by a crazed assassin this past January, shot point blank in the head. Many died in the senseless slaughter but Giffords somehow survived, her recovery amazing everyone and today she's at the Cape to watch her husband blast off to the International Space Station. The Astronaut and the Congresswoman.

Prince William, an RAF Search and Rescue helicopter pilot is officially called Flight Lt. Wales when working his "Day job." Captain Kelly is a Naval Aviator today commanding an always dangerous mission to space. Both are highly skilled, doing something only a few are qualified to do.

Princess Katherine is an educated woman, hardly a "commoner" who embarks on a new life full of public scrutiny as she joins the family business. Rep. Giffords continues her remarkable recovery, defying extraordinary odds each and every day. The best part of her future is she has a future.

It's the Royals getting the lion's share of attention today, but  to me the big story is happening here at home. Mark and Gabby, two profiles in American courage in every way.

Here's to the best of outcomes for both couples in the future.

Brian Olson

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