Tuesday, June 14, 2011

LeBron: It's not the Heat, it's the Stupidity.

I purposely waited a day before posting thoughts about this whole LeBron debacle so I could hear what the coverage of the Dallas Maverick's NBA Championship victory would be. They've barely been mentioned. LeBron sure has though.

There's a simple reason for it. LeBron set the bar very high and couldn't jump over it when it counted. The guy is a remarkable player, and let's be fair, he never had much of a title shot with Cleveland. So he left for greener pastures. I know they're greener because LeBron said they were. With the Heat, the heat would be off him for no championship rings on his fingers.

Still no rings. The Mavericks beat the Heat 4-2. They won because they scored more points than the Heat. They won because they won more games than the Heat. They won because they're a better team because they played as a team.

A concept LeBron James has yet to grasp. Maybe he should have stayed more than one year in college. Maybe he should stop listening to an obvious group of slobbering followers who tell him what he wants to hear, not what he needs to hear. LeBron needs to be reminded that when he goes to the bathroom, he leaves a detectable odor. He's uh, human.

The bar got raised a bunch when, with the aid of a certain 24/7 multi channel sports monolith aka "The Mother Ship" he announced his decision to blow off Cleveland for Miami on national television. Then came the prancing roll-out of the new-look Heat. Lots of high expectations and high fives which raised the bar only further. Start planning that victory parade!

**Update** Parade moved to Dallas!

Then came his Twitter handle; @KingJames. King? All that was left for LeBron was to single-handedly win the NBA Championship, which essentially he guaranteed. Miami fans should have asked for a money back guarantee.

So Sunday night, just about the entire nation rooted for the gritty Mavs to knock LeBron and the Heat down a peg. Mission accomplished.

There not only has to be a morning after, there was a morning after and the talk was all LeBron all the time. About how he failed and the rest of of us we're supposed to get a life.

Crow with humble pie for dessert are not the best of meals. Hopefully LeBron will remember how bad it tasted.  Hopefully kids and the grown-ups that cover sports, will learn that sports, regardless of the level is about team.

Congrats to the Mavs. They won their rings the old fashioned way. They earned them. As a team.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations.

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