Friday, June 3, 2011

Aluminum Overcast-EXPERIENCE history aboard a B-17 Bomber

We just honored those who made the supreme sacrifice for our freedom this past Memorial Day. Much attention was focused  "The Greatest Generation" who served during World War II on land, sea and air.

This coming week you can both honor those who flew dangerous air missions during the war and at the same time see and feel what it was like for those brave young fliers. Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum will be hosting EAA's Aluminum Overcast, restored WWII bomber. Starting next week you'll see it over the skies in and around Centennial Airport. Only a very few remain flying.

It's a magnificent aircraft and while seeing it is incredible, flying inside the aircraft is a truly unique experience. Flights are open to the public and as you climb aboard, imagine what it was like to be an 18 year old kid, going out on a mission with the odds stacked very much against you returning alive. During a mission over Europe, temperatures inside the aircraft could be as cold at 35 below zero. All the way to the target and back, you'd be under attack from enemy fighters, flak or both.

Words can't describe the experience. But flying aboard this B-17 at least gives you an opportunity to sense what it was all about. The best part of the flight is you have access to just about all areas of the plane during your flight including the bomb bay, flight deck, the nose of the aircraft where the view is incredible and several of the air gunner positions.

Aluminum Overcast will only be here a few short days. Take it from me, it's a flight you'll remember the rest of your life.

If I still haven't convinced you, watch this video shot last year.

Hope to see you on a flight!

Brian Olson
"We start the conversation about you"

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