Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pepper Spray and the Power of Imagery

I was driving by the "Occupy Denver" folks recently near the state capitol. 20 people at most, looking worse for the wear, sitting around without a sign or message in sight. A blight on an otherwise beautiful location in Denver.

So how does a movement with no motion stay in the news?

Imagery. Has anyone NOT seen the protesters pepper sprayed in California. A surreal set of videos and pictures as a campus police office calmly walked back and forth like he was fumigating a garden.

The incident was followed by satiric images like this one posted all across Social Media.

So a movement that isn't moving anywhere, with no discernible focus stays in the news, like the folks I saw sitting along Broadway in Denver.

So what do we learn from all this? The power of imagery. Pictures are worth a thousand words, video even more. One can of pepper spray sustains a movement with no perceived motion.

Visual inertia: The perception of something not moving, to be doing just the opposite.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations

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