Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Buffett Rule? We need a Buffet Rule!

Warren Buffet says he should pay more taxes than his secretary. Truth be known is, he does. Actually he meant a bigger percentage of taxes than she does. It's ironic that Mr. Buffet, who I greatly admire has a foundation set up to distribute money to non-profits and other organizations when he leaves this world.

You'll note he's not donating his fortune to the Federal Government directly. Warren isn't stupid. Look at the great work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They're controlling every dollar of foundation money, how it's used and where it's spent. Again, no blank check to Uncle Sam.

Folks like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are successful because they demand accountability.

That hasn't stopped a lot of folks saying we should have a "Buffett Rule" and that wealthy people need to pay their "fair share" of taxes. Fair-Schmair. (I just invented a word!)

What we really need is a "Buffet Rule." Remember that GSA conference in Las Vegas? The one place they didn't eat was at the buffet. Buffets in 'Vegas ain't as cheap as they used to be but they're still cheaper than the main dining rooms. It's funny how easy it is to spend other people's money.

As Al Simpson points out, often with great humor, the problem is SPENDING. Taxing a few more millionaires won't make a dent in a National Deficit over 16 Trillion bucks. Cutting spending will.

I don't know about you, but we have this economic plan at our house. Spend less than we take in. We invest the rest. It's a good system and our CPA appreciates it. I do know it's a concept lost on the government.

Both parties are to blame. They blather about each other but they aren't making the hard choices to make the, yes, unpopular decisions they'll need to make to dig us out of a hole so deep you can't see the bottom. Government is Thelma and Louise heading for the Grand Canyon and we're along for the ride.

So, let's have less talk about a Buffett Rule, and focus more on a Buffet rule.

It's a start.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations

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