Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Fast and Furious" turning into "Dumb and Dumber."

"Fast and Furious" turning into "Dumb and Dumber."

I wish I has some remote understanding of a government operation called "Fast and Furious." As near as I can figure out it involved sending assault rifles and the like to Mexico for use my drug dealers. Some dimwits, in government, apparently the ATF thought we could track the guns, then track down the bad guys who got them and bust them. This all started around 2006 and continues through today.

What happened is a US Border Patrol Agent ended up getting murdered by one of the guns. One of OUR guns. Fired by one of the BAD guys.

This sort of thing attracts the attention of Congress, which never passes up on the chance to hold hearings and get every one's name in the papers. Along with blogs, tweets and other Social Media and of course blogs like this one.

Records have been asked for, some have been turned over and as I write this some haven't which has ended up with the possibility of Attorney General Holder being held in contempt of Congress.

Which begs the question: If an operation started by a previous administration, was an operation so impossibly stupid, why is the current administration withholding information about it? The White House is invoking "Executive Privilege." A common practice going back to every White House since there was a White House.

Meanwhile the family of the murdered agent is left wondering just what the heck happened and why.

To recap, we send dangerous guns to bad people in Mexico, one of our own charged with defending our border is murdered and the folks in Washington are trying to make political hay out of it all.

Actually it's more like what's left of hay when it's been eaten by horses and "digested."

Fast and Furious? Nope. Dumb and incredibly dumber and we deserve better. Of course, everyone in Washington has long since cared about what "We the people" not only deserve, but are entitled too.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations

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