Thursday, September 27, 2012

E-Mags in a word: Cool!

I like to read. You know, stay current on stuff I'm interested in from news, to sports to hobbies. Like most folks, I subscribe to several magazines and have done so for years.

But like everything else, the publishing business is going digital. Publications like Businessweek, Sports Illustrated, National Geographic and even Model Railroader are all available on digital devices like your iPad.

The best part is you get your issue days before the print issue ever arrived. And it's more than just the same content in the print version. I just downloaded the latest issue. My favorite part, the "Leading Off" photos are incredible in a digital format. There's also sections for breaking news. The content evolves like it never could in print. Best of all, lots of video and interactive content.

Businessweek is also making good use of electronic delivery, with updated audio content and you can esaily share stories of interest with friends on Twitter and Facebook.

Our most recent subscription is to National Geographic. They're doing an absolutely fabulous job of transitioning their epic coverage of our world into digital content. Always a great read, it's become a great experience.

My hobby is model railroading. Model Railroader Magazine has been part of the hobby way before I was born. Now the magazine arrive via Zineo, and while not quite as elegant a delivery system as others, it's still fun to learn more about my hobby on my iPad.

Of course there are many other publications available digitally, you must have your own favorites. But what a grand experience when the content is digital shareable and ever changing.

Finally I rarely read actual books anymore, you know, the ones that sit on bookshelves. You can buy bestsellers for devices like the Nook or Kindle and of course my favorite, the iPad. Libraries have full digital collections and there's always a new read waiting for me when I digitally return one just completed.

The digital world can be bewildering sometimes, and often annoying. Especially Facebook during election season. But the digital evolution of magazines and books is here to stay and just going to be better and better. I like it!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you!!

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