Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The "Economic Plan" I want to hear

Both candidates for President are bombarding the airwaves and digital media with their economic plans. All are vague, lacking in any sort of meaningful substance and therefore a huge waste of our time and money.

Both candidates will be asked the same questions during the debates. Hopefully moderators will try and nail them down to specifics, but this is the answer I'd like to hear from either candidate.

"The day after the inaugural, I will schedule a 6am meeting at the White House. I am however, willing to drive to the capitol should meeting space be available. Invited are the following people:

The House Speaker and Minority Leader from both parties along with the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders. And me of course.

That's it, no aides just the 5 of us. A live video and audio feed will be available for any and all news outlets for the duration of the meeting.

We'll have plenty of coffee and healthy food because we'll need it. The first thing we're going to do is look each other in the eye and agree that what we're about to do is in the best interests of the people we work for, the American People. We understand that not everything we do will be agreeable to everyone, but the greater economic good is our goal.

Then we get to work. We will trim $1 Trillion from the deficit not matter how long it takes. We will look where to raise revenues in a fair and equitable way, but more importantly identify the waste we all know exists in our spending habits, which have been part of a broken process going back for decades.

This is not about blame, but fixing things and doing what's right. I'm sure we'll argue and tempers might flare so we can take a time-out if needed. But we don't go home until we've trimmed back that first trillion bucks. No smoke and mirrors, just the real deal.

When we're done, and we can do it, we will hold a joint news conference to share what we've done. In advance we'd like to apologize to our friends in the media as that news conference could happen at likely a very weird hour and frankly, we won't be looking our best as we'll be pooped and a little stinky. But we will tell you we have found a way to knock that first trillion from the debt. Real solutions, not projections or political hoo-ha. We will also agree to no political grandstanding. This is a team effort.

Then we'll go get a few hour sleep and get on with the business of governing. That said, we will meet again the following month to knock another trillion from the debt. Maybe we could alternate between the White House and Capitol. The important thing is we meet.

THAT is my economic plan."

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you!"

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