Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Damon Runyon Award and The B.I.G. Day top April Events!

There are a couple of noteworthy events set for April, both of which we recommend you at take a closer look at. Better yet, take part in.

1. The Denver Press Club honors New York Daily News writer/columnist and ESPN's "The Sports Reporters" contributor Mike Lupica with the 19th Annual Damon Runyon Awars. The date is Friday April 12 at the Marriott Denver City Center.

2. The South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce's 3rd annual B.I.G. Day! You can "Be Involved-Give" Saturday morning April 20th with a great post event celebration sponsored by McCormick and Schmick's.
Mike Lupica, 19th Annual Damon Runyon Award Recipient

Each year, The Denver Press Club is proud to honor a member of the journalism profession with our Damon Runyon Award. This award honors a person or persons who have made extraordinary contributions to the field. The honorees are selected with a special eye towards those whose careers have embraced the highest journalistic standards and who embody the colorful, often irreverent and sometimes flamboyant traits so much associated with Runyon and his characters.
Recipients of The Damon Runyon Award are honored at a ceremony in Denver, the proceeds of which provide a major funding source for our scholarship program and the maintenance of our historic facility.

In addition to his work at the Daily News and ESPN, Mike Lupica has had a versatile writing career, with magazines, novels, sports biographies, other nonfiction books on sports and starting “The Sporting Life” column for Esquire magazine. He co-wrote autobiographies with Reggie Jackson and Bill Parcells; collaborated with author and screenwriter William Goldman on “Wait ’Til Next Year”; “Shooting from the Lip,” a collection of columns, and other books.

It's a great event, with silent auction and of course hear from one of the preeminent sports journalists of our time. The Damon Runyon award is anything but stuffy so join us for a great night.

To register, visit Blacktie-Colorado

The following weekend is the B.I.G. Day. Simply put it's goal is to connect the businesses and non-profits of the South Metro Area. This marks the 3rd year for the event and it gets bigger and better every year. Here's why your business, family, church or civic group should take part:

  • It's a great team builder. There's nothing like working alongside co-workers, friends, family or even folks you don't know to spend a morning making a difference. Wear t-shirts with your organization logo, share on social media that you care about community.
  • It's a chance for you to learn more about the many non-profits who day-in and day-out make a difference in so many ways.
  • It's just fun and takes one Saturday morning.
  • This year's post event celebration will be held at the South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce sponsored by the super folks at McCormick and Schmick's restaurants. You'll work up an appetite and there will be awesome food waiting for you to satisfy it.
Watch the video to learn just what the B.I.G. is all about!

You don't have to be a member of the South Metro Denver Chamber to take part. Just bring your willingness to make a difference on just one day you'll never forget. Register today!

Looking forward to seeing you at either or both great events!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Rabbit Ears" in the 21st Century.

OK, I'm showing my age here a bit, and maybe you'll admit to remembering TV back in the day. As in back in the late 50's and 60's. We had the first TV on our street. A 13 inch Crosley and we pulled in the couple of  stations available with rabbit ears.

They usually sat on top of the TV and if you turned them just right you could pull in a nice black and white picture on Sundays to watch Bonanza.

More stations came, followed by cable and satellite and rabbit ears pretty much became a thing of the past, especially when television stations started broadcasting in digital format. Digital versions of rabbit ears became available and if you wanted, at least at our house, you could plug them into the back of a satellite receiver and receive all sorts of local programming off-air, in a digital HD format. Or directly into a digital TV.

A new study by the Pew Research Center shows some significant changes in what we're watching and how we're watching it. Especially news. Pew reports "Almost half of those surveyed say they watch local news regularly, but the future is dim for local TV content; "regular" news viewers under 30 dropped from 42% in 2006 to 28% in 2012." Younger consumers are getting their news and information from tablets and smart phones. I doubt that trend will change. It's certainly changing at our house. When we watch TV, it's with iPads in our laps.

At one time we had 4 satellite receivers with a package of 250 channels. A lot of channels and receivers for just 2 people. Also a lot of expense as we maybe watched 10-15 of those channels at the most. To be fair, satellite and cable providers are at the mercy of the program providers who "bundle" programming. That is, if a satellite or cable provider wants a popular channel they're forced to include 6-7 more less popular ones. Regional sports channels, like the ridiculous Longhorn Network are the big culprit.  All the costs of course, passed on to you and me. But enough is enough. There are other choices.

So we began to cut back. First it was reducing our 250 channel package to just 120. Then recently we added Apple TV.  It's hooked up to a 50 inch screen along with a satellite receiver. But gobs of programming available streamed via the Internet to our TV. Last week we bought our first "Smart" TV. It's a 46 inch flat screen that not only receives digital off-air signals and streaming content available via Internet, it's essentially a computer in itself. Even has Apps! The picture quality is awesome.

So then we cut our satellite receivers from 4 to 2. Our monthly bill is now half of what it used to be and we still have more programming than we can possibly watch. But sitting in front of that Smart TV, which only receives programming with rabbit ears and wireless streaming content, it's ironic that rabbit ears have outlived far more advanced technologies.

Ultimately what all this is doing is providing consumers something we've always wanted and deserve. A la carte programming. Just paying for the channels we want. We're not there yet, but getting closer. For us it may mean saying goodbye to ESPN. But it's becoming the norm where we live, that if it isn't available digitally off-air or by streaming, it doesn't exist.

Technology, including those good old rabbit ears is making it all possible.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

This White House Tour brought to you by ...

During the Space Shuttle Program, I often wondered why NASA didn't sell ad space on the boosters and shuttle itself. Like NASCAR. It sure could have generated a lot of money.

I have no doubt, that given the chance Apple or Microsoft would have paid plenty to have their logo on the side of the Space Shuttle.

In these days of "Sequestration" the idea is worth revisiting. The White House has cancelled public tours due to cost cutting brought on my sequestration. Or so they claim.

Donald Trump, among others offered to pick up the tab and open the White House, owned by you and me to and me. The White House said no.

So we ask, why?

The government also warns of delays in opening many of our national parks for the season. The key word being OUR national parks. So why not offer sponsorships? I bet any number of businesses would jump at the chance to sponsor Old Faithful at Yellowstone. Park Rangers could wear sponsor patches on their uniforms just like NASCAR drivers do.

The NFL and NASCAR have made sponsorship an art form. So why not the White House or Old Faithful?

"This tour of the White House is sponsored by Home Depot." Or, "This next eruption of Old Faithful is brought to you in part by Coca-Cola." (Because geysers and things go better with Coke!)

In business it's important to maximize revenue and reduce costs. Government doesn't operate that way. We lose. Over and over again.

That's why we can't tour our White House and might not be able to see Old Faithful this summer. All avoidable.

So what should it be? Sequestration or Sponsorships? I'll take the latter. Government needs to re-think the way it operates. So we again ask, why not sponsorships?

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Day Government Officially Went Nuts

Sometime in the future if someone asks you, "When did the Government of the United States officially go nuts?" you can tell them, "Why it was Tuesday, March 5, 2013!"

You might be asked why so here's some crib notes for you.

1. The DOW Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high, up 125.95 points to 14,253.77 at the end of New York trading at 2 p.m. MT, beating the previous record close of 14,164 achieved on Oct. 9, 2007. This even though the week before, even days before all the President's Men and all the President's Women and even the President himself warned of a nation doomed by sequestration.


2. This notice was posted by the National Park Service. "Due to staffing reductions resulting from sequestration, we regret to inform you that White House Tours will be canceled effective Saturday, March 9, 2013, until further notice. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reschedule affected tours." 

Really? It's OUR house. Give us a dang map and we'll find ourselves around.


3. The same day we were shut out of the White House, again OUR house, we gave our good buddies in Egypt $250 Million Dollars, handed over in person by Secretary of State John Kerry. Our money is being given to Egypt to meet the country's "Extreme Needs." Apparently Egypt's extreme needs are more important than our extreme needs. Which is taking things to extremes.


So despite dire warnings of economic doom because of sequestration, the DOW soared to new heights. So despite that great economic news, they shut down the White House to us regular folks although I hear if you write a check for $500-thousand you can get a visit to the Oval. And so despite those previous mentioned cries of economic disaster and government running out of money, we somehow found enough cash lying around to give a nation of people who pretty much hate our guts, $250 Million Dollars.

And finally, the USAF has grounded their aerial demonstration team, the Thunderbirds. Reason given? Sequestration. Yet the F-35 "Join Strike Fighter"  program is 7 years behind schedule and 70% over budget. We've spent $400 Billion on a plane that has yet to be deployed. Businessweek calls the project a "Boondoggle."

Yep, our government officially went nuts on Tuesday, March 5, 2013. You heard it here first.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you!"