Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Day Government Officially Went Nuts

Sometime in the future if someone asks you, "When did the Government of the United States officially go nuts?" you can tell them, "Why it was Tuesday, March 5, 2013!"

You might be asked why so here's some crib notes for you.

1. The DOW Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high, up 125.95 points to 14,253.77 at the end of New York trading at 2 p.m. MT, beating the previous record close of 14,164 achieved on Oct. 9, 2007. This even though the week before, even days before all the President's Men and all the President's Women and even the President himself warned of a nation doomed by sequestration.


2. This notice was posted by the National Park Service. "Due to staffing reductions resulting from sequestration, we regret to inform you that White House Tours will be canceled effective Saturday, March 9, 2013, until further notice. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reschedule affected tours." 

Really? It's OUR house. Give us a dang map and we'll find ourselves around.


3. The same day we were shut out of the White House, again OUR house, we gave our good buddies in Egypt $250 Million Dollars, handed over in person by Secretary of State John Kerry. Our money is being given to Egypt to meet the country's "Extreme Needs." Apparently Egypt's extreme needs are more important than our extreme needs. Which is taking things to extremes.


So despite dire warnings of economic doom because of sequestration, the DOW soared to new heights. So despite that great economic news, they shut down the White House to us regular folks although I hear if you write a check for $500-thousand you can get a visit to the Oval. And so despite those previous mentioned cries of economic disaster and government running out of money, we somehow found enough cash lying around to give a nation of people who pretty much hate our guts, $250 Million Dollars.

And finally, the USAF has grounded their aerial demonstration team, the Thunderbirds. Reason given? Sequestration. Yet the F-35 "Join Strike Fighter"  program is 7 years behind schedule and 70% over budget. We've spent $400 Billion on a plane that has yet to be deployed. Businessweek calls the project a "Boondoggle."

Yep, our government officially went nuts on Tuesday, March 5, 2013. You heard it here first.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you!"

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