Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Got a spare hour to save a life?

I reached milestone of sorts today, having donated 7 gallons of blood to Bonfils Blood Center. It takes a while. Just over 9 years at a rate of one pint every two months.

I found out years ago my blood is O-Negative. It's rare blood type but the good news is anyone, regardless of their particular blood type can use mine. The folks at Bonfils tell me that on average every time you donate a pint of blood you save 3 lives.

This week's Tornado in Oklahoma, or even closer to home the Aurora Theater shootings demonstrate in the most awful way why having a safe and reliable blood supply is important. But every day people are injured and end up in the hospital. When they arrive, the surgical team needs several pints of blood ready to go. If there isn't any blood available, it's likely the injured will not survive.

Here's a statistic that never ceases to amaze me. In Colorado just 4% of eligible donors actually donate blood. Not 4% of the population, but 4% who can safely donate blood.


OK, I get it. When you give blood they stick a needle in your arm. Blood comes out in a collection bag. Not everyone's idea of a good time. But it's so easy I urge anyone who has never donated blood to do it at least once. The whole thing takes about an hour, you might feel a "pinch" for about half a second but that's it. Plus they have some great snacks for you when you're done. The Bonfils team is as professional as they come and they make it all a great experience.

Do you have an hour available in your life every two months to save lives? I've done it 56 times. I'm asking you to try it at least once. Please.

You'll feel good when you're done. Promise.

Brian Olson
"We start the conversation about you"

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