Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Relay for Life a Life Affirming Event

Several members of my immediate family and some of their friends have had their lives touched by cancer. As a result, all our lives have been touched by cancer.

Too much attention is paid to just one type of cancer during just one month of the year. Cancer isn't a month, it's year-round. It isn't a color either. And believe it or not, women get more than just breast cancer. OK, I'm venting a bit.

Thus my recommendation to check out the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. We took part in one of the largest, if not the largest such event this past weekend in Gwinnet, GA. It's a suburb north of Atlanta. To put it mildly, we were simply amazed at the thousands of people who turned out including cancer survivors and their caregivers but by people who care. People who care enough to cheer us on and help raise millions of dollars.

Here's a video of the view as we joined so many other cancer survivors and caregivers. Watch and you'll understand truly what a special event it is.

You can find a Relay for Life using the link posted above. It's our hope to see you at one of them. There are incredible displays, booths and oh yes, great food. It's a party, a time of celebration. Once you've gone, you'll never forget it.

Join in the fight against cancer. Help us find a cure. It takes dollars. You can trust the American Cancer Society to put those dollars to the best use possible.

This Caregiver thanks you for helping save some family members I love very much, to be alive and thriving, and able to take part in the Survivor Walk this year and for years to come.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you!"

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