Thursday, May 5, 2011

We trust, but still need to verify.

I have no doubt the Bin Laden is dead. I also don't care to see a picture of him with his head blown off. But I at least, want independent verification that he is indeed--dead.

By deciding not to release photographs of the body, the administration has made murky became murkier.A few Senators thought they'd seen real pictures which turned out to be fake. It can only get worse.

As one story said, there are no pictures but thousands of words. Herein lies the problem.

At the very least, why not invite a non-partisan panel of members of Congress and the media to look at the pictures and the DNA evidence?  They, alongside the President, could then speak to us and confirm everything and put the whole thing to rest.

There are conspiracy theorists, who regardless of what they see or won't see, still won't believe it. But after all we've gone through as a nation since 9-11, we need more from the administration that to take their word for it. By having independent observers in, we don't compromise security of any kind and no one needs to be allowed to take copies of the picture with them.

We've seen too often pictures of the planes flying into the twin towers. Every news story about the decision not to show pictures of a dead Bin Laden shows file pictures/video of Bin Laden when he was alive. So we keep on seeing Bin Laden over and over.

It's nice of the President to go to Ground Zero today. 

But in this case, trust comes up short. 99.9% isn't enough. 100% proof. Please.

Brian Olson

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