Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Canless Air System offers Solution to Canned Air Pollution

 A Clean, Green Solution to Canned Air Pollution

First, a disclaimer. I'm blogging (and bragging) about a client's product, the 02 Hurricane Canless Air System.

Why am I blogging about it? The next time IT comes by your desk to clean your computer with so-called canned "air," read the label on the can. The next time you reach for canned "air" on a shelf at home, read the label on the can.

Then you'll understand.

The stuff is marketed under product names like Dust-Off, Dust-Pro, Innovera and many others. The Consumer Specialty Association estimates over 30 million cans of the stuff is produced each year. They all have one thing in common: They're DANGEROUS!

For years I thought canned air was just that, air compressed in a can. Turns out, like a lot of folks I was fooled. Canned air is actually compressed, explosive and deadly gasses. The EPA classifies the used cans as hazardous waste. That's because they still contain residual and very dangerous liquids and gasses.

Another danger is something called inhalant abuse of "Huffing." An alarming number of people, sadly many of them kids, actually inhale the gasses from canned air for a scary and often deadly high. Just do a News.Google search with the search word "Huffing" and read the sad stories.

The 02 Hurricane is an alternative to all the dangerous canned stuff. It cleans and dusts with hurricane-like force. But there's a big difference. Actually several.

1. The 02 Hurricane uses the air we breathe. It draws it in, then blasts it out at 200 mph. It doesn't have a warning label because there's nothing to warn about.

2. It's rechargeable up to 500 times. Use it over and over. No hazardous waste because you don't throw it away.

3. Buying just one 02 Hurricane is equal to buying a thousand canned air dusters. You do the math.

The 02 Hurricane was designed for use like cleaning computers, delicate electronics and cameras. What's been great fun is hearing from customers and how they're finding different uses. It's great for dusting plants and collectables. How about blowing up a pool toy? Yep! Having a tough time getting the fire going in the fire place? Give it a blast of pure air. Something NOT recommended for the canned stuff, you'd likely blow up your house! It's also great for cleaning various filters and the nooks and crannies inside your car.

It's refreshing in this age where everyone is talking about green and sustainability when a product actually lives up to, in fact exceeds those expectations. Oh yeah, it's assembled right here in the USA.

A great product that's getting rave reviews just in case you don't want to take my word for it! Here's our most recent review on GeekBeatTV!

Green up your workplace or home and save green doing it. Win-Win.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you!"

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