Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Our SunRun Solar 1st Anniversary!

OK, it's kind of weird to be talking about solar power during a snow storm, but here we go!

It's been a year since we "threw the switch" and started generating electricity by solar power at our house.

I guess the best phrase that describes the whole experience is "Exceeds Expectations." Frankly, when the representative from SunRun came to our house I expected a high pressure sales pitch. But about half an hour into the presentation, we were asking "Where do we sign?" It just made sense from the get-go.

There are as many options as to where you want to install your system as there are ways to pay for it. The key part is it's affordable and it works.

Every part of the process from permitting, HOA approval, structural checks and getting an additional meter installed that runs both ways (more on that in a moment) by Xcel Energy took a very short time. Our system has 24 panels on the part of our roof that has about a 98% southern exposure. Our location was prime for solar. But the folks at SunRun can facilitate just about any roof design for great production. The actual installation took about 3 days. Every step of the way, the folks at SunRun were very helpful and professional.

So how did we do?
  • We've generated over 8500 kWh of power.
  • We've consumed about 7700 kWh. We produced more than we used, so at the end of the year we'll get a credit back from Xcel. We sold power BACK to the power company. A neat feeling! Our Xcel meter goes both ways, nice to see not what you're using, but how much you're selling back to the utility!
We certainly used a lot of power this past summer, with a record number of 90+ degree days. But it was good to have the AC running and not worry about sticker shock when the electric bill came. The best days to generate power obviously are sunny days. But even on cloudy days you still generate power. Where's there's light in the sky, those solar panels are doing their job. 

How did we do helping the environment? Here are the numbers:

  • We saved over 13 thousand pounds of CO2 Emissions. That's over 6 tons. Just one house.
  • Installing the system was like NOT driving over 13,600 miles in a car.
  • It's also equal to planting 153 trees. (And you don't have to rake the leaves!)
There are several options to monitor your system. We have the meters at the back of our house, there is a small electrical box installed in the basement and of course you can login to your account online.

I recently testified to the Colorado Oil and Gas Commission in support of the oil and gas industry. A bit of an oxymoron in a way but my point to them is we folks on Main Street are finding alternatives that in the long run will make us energy dependent and earth friendly. (I also drive a hybrid) But it's going to take a generation or even two before the impact of alternative energy will be felt.

Government, in my opinion, is full of pie in the sky ideas of massive solar and wind farms. Thousand of acres in size. Yeah, right. This is the same government that designed our tax code and has us over $16 Trillion in debt.

The solution lies on Main Street USA. We're going to need a thriving oil and gas industry for years to come, a well-regulated industry but one we'll need to depend on, at least in the short-term. But solar is real, it's here and you can start using at your house in no time.

Look at what we generated at our house, and the positive environmental impact it had. All from just one house. Go Green, Save Green. Some day when we put our house up for sale, we can advertise "Free electricity!" How's that for curb appeal?

Clean energy dependence starts at home. One house, one street, one community at a time.

It works.

Brian Olson
"We start the conversation about you!"

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