Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fiscal Cliff: Cutting Through The Crap with Social Media

 This past Friday we were talking Social Media Strategies at a Meetup group we sponsor. Social Media has absolutely changed the way we communicate and listen, to interact and be empowered as consumers.

What's too often lost in all the Social Media Jargon (and there's far too much) is content. Telling a story, making it impactful. You know, meaningful on Main Street. Passing the "So what?" test.

We're being bombarded right now with terms like "Fiscal Cliff" and "Kick the can down the road" to the point of not giving a darn anymore. It's just so much noise. The same noise. Over and over and over.

The huge deficit hanging over our heads is going to most impact the so-called "Millennial Generation." These are the younger folks entering the work place, looking to live the good life like their parents did. The above mentioned "noise" isn't getting their attention.

So here's a perfect example of using Social Media to grab them by the shoulders, shake them hard and tell them to wake up before it's too late. I'm not surprised it features my old friend, veteran straight talker and now Gangnam dude, Senator Alan K. Simpson.


Now that's the power of creativity, messaging for successful communication in today's digital world! It all starts with stepping away from the traditional and being anything but.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you!"

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