Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm the boss of nothing but I'm the boss.

When I was working for Echostar Communications, Larry King interviewed CEO Charlie Ergen about when Charlie started out in business. Charlie told Larry he knew he couldn't work for other folks and started his own business instead.

"So you were the boss of nothing?" asked Larry. To which Charlie replied, "Yeah, but I was the boss." Charlie of course, went on to form Echostar Communications and DISH Network. A true entrepreneurial success story and a man I have a huge amount of respect for.

I'm now on the same track as CEO and Founder of "Conversation Starters LLC" which is a PR company focusing on the needs of non-profits and smaller businesses with need of strong communications experience but lack the funding to hire an experienced full-time person.

Will it work? Time will tell. The company just got incorporated, we're finalizing our logo design and still have to get our website up and running. We already have a strategic partnership with an east coast agency, and together we're forming another company which will deal in media training and crisis management.

Plus I'm networking like crazy on Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook.

So this is my first blog as a CEO, aka "Boss of Nothing" but I'll chime in with thoughts from time to time as to how the business is growing and commentary on what's going on in both traditional and social/new media.

Brian Olson
CEO and Founder
Conversation Starters, LLC.

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