Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paper to Laptop to iPad

It wasn't that long ago my morning routine included three things:

1. Coffee
2. Monitoring news, weather and business channels, in multi-screen mode
3. The Rocky Mountain News

I like to start the day prepared.

The first two have stayed the same, but #3 continues to evolve. The Rocky is no longer with us. So after a short period of mourning the demise of yet another big city daily, my laptop took its place. It worked great until we got our iPad. Laptop? I don't need no stinkin' laptop!

Before I proceed further, this disclaimer: I own Apple Stock.

Ads for iPad say "You already know how to use it." They're absolutely right. I can't recall a more intuitive device with an instruction manual that essentially tells you how to turn it on.

The challenge is really all about learning about, then using the thousands of apps available. As for ease and comfort of use, it beats a laptop anytime. It's like a magazine that's a portal to the world. (It weighs not that much more than a magazine) Battery life continues to amaze, with at 10 hours of heavy use before a quick recharge.

Does your organization or business realize the potential of the iPad? Do you have an aptitude for apps and the attitude to use them in today's social media driven world of communication?

It's what we do at Conversation Starters. Check us out.

Brian Olson
CEO and Founder
Conversation Starters LLC

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