Sunday, May 23, 2010

So you think you own your brand? Think again.

Earlier this year I attended a Social Media Summit sponsored by Ragan Communications and the Public Relations Society of America. The event was hosted by Coca Cola in Atlanta.

One of the key elements I came away with is that businesses, organizations and the like no longer control their brand. Their customers, fans and detractors do. Social Media has empowered them to post anything they want, both good and bad about you. It's a tough concept for people to accept, especially CEO's!

Google just about any business name followed by "scam" or "complaints" and you'll get multiple hits. Some are fair, but sadly most are just the opposite. People can post anything they want, true or not about you and they're protected by the 1st Amendment.

But you can fight back. One tip, don't engage your detractors on the complaint sites where they post. You just add fresh content and it drives search ranking up. You have to engage on neutral ground and use other social media strategies.

It's what we help you do at Conversation Starters. You can win in the court of social media opinion. know how.

Brian Olson
President and CEO
Conversation Starters LLC

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