Thursday, May 27, 2010

Solving problems that started as solutions

I'm just back from coffee with my long time friend and colleague, Mike Hanbery of Hanbery Marketing.

As a bit of a preface, you may recall seeing ads running on TV lately where there's a group of people at a conference table tasked with finding ways to save their company money. Stacked high on the table are folders, binders and piles of paper. Finally, one member of the team looks at all the paper and asks the question, "How much does all this cost?"

The point being, they could save literally millions of dollars by eliminating the piles of paper on the table. Going paperless is the solution.

But talking with Mike today, he pointed out it's creating another problem. Going paperless (plus the zillions of e-mails we all generate each day and electronically file) means increasing the load on servers, which means buying more servers, using more power to run them and of course, more techs to maintain them. Which Money is a rare commodity these days.

The solution to one problem, is becoming a problem itself.

Mike has some interesting ideas about solving this problem which I won't share here because they're Mike's ideas and not mine. When he's ready to announce his strategy, he'll do it. That's why I posted his link above.

We're constantly going to be presented with problems and tasked with finding solutions. But solutions can ultimately become problems which

Solutions are what keep the doors of your business or organization open. They key is recognizing when solutions become problems.

It's what Mike does and what we do at Conversation Starters LLC.

Brian Olson
CEO and Founder
Conversation Starters, LLC

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