Wednesday, July 7, 2010

News you can use.

A few online articles caught my attention this morning that I want to share with you. The first is from columnist Al Lewis of Dow Jones Newswires. I've known Al for several years and frankly have no idea what his personal politics are But his points about the recent IPO of Tesla Motors are biting...and hit the mark. He's an equal opportunity shamer and goodness knows there's plenty of shame to go around these days.

Al has an uncanny way of sorting through the hype and delivering facts in a way that make you think...and laugh at the same time. (Ok, maybe cry too)

I should note that I read Al's column on my iPad,* later switching over to this article on Bloomberg Businessweek about the growing use of the device by companies like Wells Fargo and SAP. It took some of these companies years to figure out the iPhone was a must-have for staffers. It took them just weeks to start issuing iPads.

It's no wonder when you see the growing number of iPad Aps that are strictly for business. I recently was talking with a realtor who has a PC-based business and while liking the iPad, was hesitant to buy one because of compatibility. I think she'd like Remote Desktop.

Personally I'm finding more and more business uses for my iPad. Not the least of which it being a great way to demo videos and the like to clients. It's handy in a one-on-one session, and for larger groups you just plug it into a video projector.

Anyways, as Ellen Degeneres would say, a few articles worth sharing with you this morning.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We get the conversation started about you!"
* (I own Apple Stock)

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