Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Misc.

D-Day plus one.

Anyone NOT watch "The Decision" live from Greenwich, CT last night? I thought so. It's been interesting to see/hear/read the view from the cheap seats this morning. Mostly negative.

But three things stand out for me:

1. It remains the lead locally and nationally.
2. They spelled both LeBron's and ESPN's names right.
3. According to reports it was the most watched show on TV last night.

Mission accomplished.

Multi-tasking, make that focusing.

My career in public relations up until now has been having just one client, as in the folks who signed my paycheck. Starting my own firm is a whole new ballgame. Yesterday was a good example. It started with a 10am meeting with John Flerage, who is the Democratic Congressional Candidate in the Colorado 6th. Then came a video shoot with Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Denver. When I got back from that, it was time to open a screen play to work on a media release for the Hallmark Channel promoting an upcoming movie. (Can't share the plot with you right now but it's very good!)

All three very different situations requiring different focus and strategies. When I was a field producer for CONUS Communications, I had 26 different stations that I worked with. It was good preparation for what I'm doing now.

Cockpit Demo Day.

Every wonder what it's like to sit in the cockpit of a real jet fighter, corporate jet or airliner? Wonder no more. Tomorrow is Cockpit Demo Day at Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum. Hope to see you there!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Brian Olson
Start the Conversations LLC
"We get the conversation started about you"

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