Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tonight's Line-Up

I can forecast with reasonable certainty that these stories will be covered on the traditional network shows tonight.

1. Arizona Immigration Law.
2. Oil spill in the Gulf.
3. President Obama on "The View"
4. Afghanistan. At least a good chance of coverage.

Missing from the list is what our military continues to do in Haiti. I talked with my daughter this morning. She's on a mission trip in Haiti at an orphanage. She shared with me that our Air Force, Navy, Army and Marines are all involved involved in humanitarian efforts. She said helicopters are flying by where she's working all the time. Also on the scene are UN Troops from several South American Nations.

I had no idea.

Apparently the folks in New York don't know either, or worse, do know but don't want us to know. Heaven forbid we hear this sort of thing about our men and women making a difference.

But at least we'll see the President on The View. Should be a cute story.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

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