Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fred, Madge, Flo and the Old Spice Guy.

Remember Mr. Whipple? Your friendly neighborhood grocer, (remember those?) but he sure got cranky when you squeezed the Charmin. Then there was Madge the manicurist. She pitched Palmolive Dish Detergent. Heck, it was so gentle she soaked her clients' fingernails in the stuff.

Icons of the commercial world a generation ago. You watched, then talked about them and the products at the water cooler. (Remember those?)

Today it's Flo, she works in the Progressive Insurance Store with no walls. Just a white expanse of bargains and occasional flirting with fellow bikers. The spots have been running for quite some time so I guess they're successful.

But I think the star of commercial stars these days is the Old Spice Guy. He's played by Isaiah Mustafa and he's so good that NBC is already working a development deal for a prime time show around him. Looking AND smelling good Isiah! It takes skill to look good riding a horse backwards and bare chested.

The Old Spice Spots are successful however for more than just Isaiah. The concept, the writing and production values are outstanding. It takes a lot of talented people to produce a successful commercial and people who teach advertising will be showcasing these spots for years to come.

A generation later we're now talking about Flo and the Old Spice Guy in blogs, Twitter and Facebook. But regardless of whether it's the water cooler or online, we're talking. About them and their product.

Salesmanship is alive and well.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters, LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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