Wednesday, August 18, 2010

All the news that fits...

I try and start out each morning checking out my favorite news websites. It's good to start the day half-way informed. Normally none of this is blog material, and might not be but hey, it's my blog and I'll blog if I want to.

First out of the gate is this column by my friend and Dow Jones Newswires writer Al Lewis. It's about corporate brown-nosing, i.e. sucking up. Al has a knack for rooting out the problems and foibles of corporate America, and this column is no different. Sucking up works, which ends up with companies not working.

In other might remember the story about a thief who tried to rip-off an iPad from a victim at a mall in Denver, darn near ripping off the victim's thumb at the same time. In an dictment of a lousy legal system, the crook then tried to order a hit on the victim from his jail cell. The crook was allowed access to all the victim's records connected to the case, even his home address. The charges have escalted from theft to attempted murder. But something is wrong with a system that allows criminals to order hits from jail. Something very wrong.

Finally from our "It takes all types to make a world" department, this story about a mother who thought it was funny to take a picture of her 11 month child with a bong. Ha ha! She even posted the picture on Facebook. Surprise, surprise, someone noticed and she got busted. You are what you post.

Maybe some or all of the above will get some conversations started. It's an interesting world.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We get the conversation started about you"

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