Friday, August 13, 2010

Free! Really.

We've all seen the ads on TV. Try it free! Then they ask for your credit card number. Another hook is doubling the offer at no extra charge, just pay separate shipping and handling which can often cost more than the product itself.

Some of these products actually work as advertised, ultimately it's up to you to judge the value.

But all of the above made me appreciate two truly free offers, and indicative of the way some great companies are drumming up business in this economy.

SportClips opened up a new store where I live and sent out coupons for a free haircut. There were no strings attached to the coupon, and none when I went and got, yes, a free haircut. The whole idea of course is to get me back into the store as a paying customer in the future. Based on the experience, mission accomplished.

While I was about to leave, a representative from Chick-fil-A came in with free Hot and Spicy Sandwiches for the staff. The goal was to get the folks working at SportsClips to visit their restaurant for lunch breaks or maybe after work in the future. Customers in the store got a free sandwich too.

Both SportClips and Chick-fil-A believe enough in their product and customer service that they took the risk to truly offer it for free, betting that the experience will build future business.

No credit cards or shipping and handling charges required.

There's free, then there not-exactly. Kudos to two companies, SportsClips and Chick-fil-A, for believing enough in themselves, that I could believe enough in them in the future.

Have a grand weekend everyone.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

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