Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Warhol got it wrong.

Pop Artist Andy Warhol set society off on a bad path when he predicted "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes." I'm not against fame. Heck, it's my job.

But fame for what? Today that JetBlue flight attendant who threw a temper tantrum announced he's hired a publicist. Could a reality show be in his future? The flight attendant tusseled with a customer, then grabbed a brew, opened the cabin door and hit the emergency escape slide button. Wah wah wah.

Instantly he became a symbol for angry workers everywhere. Take this job and shove it!

He still gets gobs of coverage, especially in social media. Sadly little was reported about how he endangered the lives of ground crew and his passengers when he popped that escape slide. That thing fires out like a cannon.

Now he's got a publicist. Remember the two attention starved yahoos who crashed a White House Party? Mrs. Yahoo now has her own reality show. And a publicist. And an agent.

It's sad that shameful behavior is what gets a person famous these days. Normally I put links to the subject matter in this blog. But in this case it's the subject, not the subject matter that deserves the attention.

Fifteen minutes? Fair enough. Fame and fortune? Not so much.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation started about you" (If you deserve it)

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