Monday, August 16, 2010

Take time for bubbles.

One of my favorite comic strips is Luann. Yesterday's strip had Luann and best friend Bernice hanging as usual and talking about when they first met as young kids. They remembered the fun they had blowing bubbles.

Both then looked down at their laptops and PDA's and how they entertain themselves in this 24/7 connected world. The last panel showed them outside blowing bubbles and having a grand time. (Real bubbles, not the iPad App)

It's hard to resist the temptation not to get on Facebook, or worse yet check your business e-mails on a Sunday. Even if you do that, there are texts requesting meeting for the next day as I got last night. (Which I answered)

I think Luann is on to something. Whatever your particular "Bubbles" is, take time to turn off the electronic gizmos and enjoy time away from them. Even if just for a short while.

Being too connected can make you disconnected. That said, time to get connected this Monday morning and get back to work. Sigh.

Brian Olson
Conversation Staters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

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