Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A vote that truly will make a difference

Nothing ever prepares someone when diagnosed with cancer. It’s a stunning emotional blow. We know, we’ve lived it at our house. But you can be prepared for what comes next which often times includes chemotherapy.

Most patients are not prepared for the physical, emotional, and financial stress brought on by treatment. Not knowing, not understanding, not having a coordinated plan can bring disastrous consequences. Did you know that 30% of chemotherapy patients end up bankrupt because they didn’t understand all of the financial implications of their treatment? Many more never complete therapy due to unexpected side effects or unmanageable cost.

This is why an experienced team who've seen first-hand the impact of cancer and chemotherapy treatment have created Chemo101.com, an innovative, educational on-line platform designed to meet the needs of the cancer patient and caregiver. Chemo101.com launches in October and will be a complete one-stop solution for education about chemotherapy treatments and resources to help mitigate the unexpected physical and financial impact. Information that will help patients and caregivers take a more active role in their chemotherapy treatment plan.

Think of Chemo101 as a “Future Shock-Shock Absorber.”

Also coming is the impending launch of “Chemo Gives,” a non-profit organization focused on supporting some of the non-medical financial needs of the patient like transportation, home utilities, food, and lodging. It’s a huge and expensive undertaking, and why we were thrilled to be selected as a finalist for a Pepsi Refreshes Grant for “Ideas that change the world.” At stake is $250,000 to help us achieve what we’ve been working so hard towards, which Chemo101 can earn by gaining the most votes during September's competition.

We now turn to you.

We need your help, your vote, and to spread the word. Here’s how:

  1. Voting starts September 1, 2010 and continues throughout the month.
  2. Voting is easy. Login to the Pepsi Refresh page, and type “Chemo101” in the search box on the top right of the page. Click on the “Vote for this idea,” register, then vote.
  3. You can vote every day, so please make it part of your daily online routine in September.
  4. Share this with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, e-mail or text. Ask them to spread the word. If we get the most votes, the Pepsi Refresh Project awards Chemo101 $250,000. Your vote, every day, for 30 days. That’s it.

Your vote can bring about advancing chemotherapy education, and providing the financial help to those who badly need it. You can make a difference. You can bring about change.


Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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