Friday, November 5, 2010

BEVO Blog. January to November

I think, in fact know, that Texas fans are scratching their heads and asking "Wha'-happened?" since last January. The 'Horns were in Pasadena playing 'Bama for the B(c)S National Championship and but for the early injury to Colt McCoy, well, who knows what might have happened.

Going into tomorrow's game against K-State the 'Horns are 4-4 and have a real chance of NOT being bowl eligible for the first time in a very, very long time. Texas was ranked #5 in the pre-season polls and now is just rank.

Texas is arguably one of the most successful money making sports machines in the nation, and under coach Mack Brown have a win-loss record including a B(c)S Championship that is the envy of just about every other FBS program in the nation.

But in Texas, there is winning and then there's "not exactly" and the fans are getting restless. Some are actually calling for Mack to step down. Cooler heads will prevail and while I wouldn't be surprised there will be a new offensive coordinator next season, Mack will, and should be at the controls of the 2011 Texas Longhorns.

There is every reason to be optimistic. McCoy the younger deserves a shot at starting QB and Shipley 2.0 is set to join the team. Can history repeat itself? We'll see.

Optimism is something that sustains fans through times of not-winning although winning beats optimism every time. But right now it's all Texas fans can hang our hats on.

The best we can say is there's a 100% chance that Texas has a 50-50 chance of winning at K-State tomorrow night.

It's something.


Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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