Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Frank" comes out the digital closet

Anyone NOT heard about the latest series of mass document dumps from WikiLeaks? The site is dedicated to ferreting out and distributing secret, or at the very least sensitive information. WikiLeaks is run by Julian Assange who is well, reviled by a lot of folks these days and may even be facing some legal problems of his own.

Much of what's being released contains stuff we only hear described as "Frank" and "Candid" discussions in news conferences after diplomats meet. WikiLeaks just let "Frank" out of the digital closet. Don't call me Shirley, and don't call me Frank.

This sort of thing isn't new. Think back to the Pentagon Papers.

Regardless of how you feel about WikiLeaks, Assange or the nature of the information released it should give all of us pause to remember that "If you don't want to be quoted, don't say it." Or post it.

The alleged source for much of the WikiLeaks documents is a US Army Private. A Private, with the ability to expose a lot of private information way above his proverbial pay grade.

We all send e-mails, post things and say things. In today's digital world there are two certainties:

1. Once it's "out there", it's out there.
2, What you say can and will be used against you.

The diplomatic fallout from all this will be remains to be seen. Certainly it comes as no surprise that we have less than kind things to say about certain "Allies," who are allies only because they're the lesser of two evils.

But if a low-level enlisted soldier has access to top secret military and diplomatic information, what about your business or organization?

It's bad enough that anyone, anytime can post or say anything they want about you on the Internet, usually anonymously. Don't give them extra ammunition.

Should something less than pleasant come out about you, true or not, consult with experienced communications pros immediately if not sooner.

Brian Olson
Converesation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you" (Or stop them)

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