Sunday, November 28, 2010

'Bama, Pretty Woman and ROR.

Did you see the pregame of the Iron Bowl? They had a shot of the 'Bama players arriving, making the traditional walk between their fans. All of them had headphones on, looking straight ahead and ignoring their adoring fans.

Then came a shot of Auburn's Cam Newton, who was jumping up and down and waving his arms to the fans as he actually came over to them. Regardless of how you feel about Newton, he was practicing ROR. Return on relationship.

The 'Bama players reminded me of the shopkeeper in Pretty Woman who ignored Julia Robert's character. Big mistake.

Tigers 28.'Bama 27. 'Bama Fans 0.

It's a lesson in customer care we can all learn from. Ignore customers at your own peril. You can have a great product, but if you don't thank them enthusiastically each time they're in your store, they'll shop elsewhere.

Fans, like customers, are fickle.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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