Thursday, November 25, 2010

In the spirit of Thanksgiving...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We live in a great nation, that despite it's many faults remains a government of the people. Let's not forget it's our government, and we only lend power to those we elect to represent us.

We're thankful to be able to start a business and still be in business! We're thankful for our first clients like the Hallmark Channel and who believed in us.

We're thankful for the many potential clients we're talking with and look forward to adding them to our roster of clients who are more than simply "accounts" but organizations and teams we truly believe in.

We're thankful for our Joint Venture Partners at Baldwin Media Marketing, here's to a grand future together.

We're thankful for the men and women stationed around this world, often in harm's way, on the front line, taking the battle for freedom to the enemy.

Have a safe, peaceful and wonderful day.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you" (Please pass the turkey, thank you)

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