Monday, November 1, 2010

Our new Joint Venture

(Brian Olson and Ann Baldwin)

It's an exciting time for us here at Conversation Starters as we announce our new joint venture partner, Baldwin Media Marketing of Hartford, CT. Owner Ann Baldwin and I have been friends since we started our our careers in broadcast journalism at KGWN-TV in Cheyenne, WY in the 1980's. Both of us moved on to bigger markets and a significant level of experience in broadcast journalism.

Our careers shifted to communications about the same time when Ann started her company and I joined Echostar Communications.

For our new and existing clients the new venture allows both of us to raise the level of service we can offer in traditional and social media, media training and strategic planning. A level of experience and service measured in decades.

We've been working on this project since earlier this year, and are now ready to take both our companies but more importantly our clients, to the next level.

It's going to be a fun ride!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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