Monday, November 22, 2010

Social Media-One is the loneliest number.

What's the status of social media at your company or non-profit? Who is tasked with the job? In too many cases social media is something handed off to a staffer with an already full plate.

Social media provides so many opportunities beyond the obvious. Have you thought about spreading the social media load? Why not create a social media team across your organization? From the boardroom to the stockroom. Up and down the food chain.

All have different views of the same subject. By making them part of your social media outreach you bring in fresh perspective and at the same time empower your team as "Brand Ambassadors."

Granted, you have to be selective, there has to be guidelines and focus, but do it right and all of a sudden you have a vibrant and active social media plan.

One is the loneliest number in social media. Make it a team effort.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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