Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Colorado Kids Going Hungry. Why?

I attended the annual meeting of the Jeffco Action Center last night. Prior to the meeting, as a board member, we discussed child hunger. The Action Center distributes four tons of food every day. It's a stunning number and double what we distributed just a couple of years ago.

Last night's Keynote Speaker was Chris Watney from the Colorado Children's Campaign who told us that according to just released census statistics for 2000-2009, Colorado has the fastest growing number of kids going hungry in the nation. In perspective, the overall hunger rate here is lower than many other parts of the country but the growth rate is still alarming. Denver County leads in the growth, but seemingly "affluent" communities like Jefferson County are also showing growth. Even here in Douglas County.

It struck me during the presentation that not once, has any candidate at any forum I've attended or in campaign ad I've seen, mentioned child hunger. They're too busy attacking each other and once elected spend most of their time raising money to get re-elected. Meanwhile, kids are going hungry.

So it's up to us. You can help by contributing or volunteering with organizations like the Jeffco Action Center. Another wonderful group is Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver. There are many others to choose from in your community.

No kid, anywhere, should ever go hungry. Together we can make a difference. Let's start today.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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