Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hick's Horsin' Around (Again)

Just a bit of a disclaimer that this IS NOT a political endorsement. You're smart enough to make your own political decisions. I'm just making an observation as a PR guy.

Have you seen John Hickenlooper's latest TV spot? The theme is everyone is telling him he has to ride a horse in a political ad. I haven't found the video on YouTube yet, so you'll have to settle for a written description.

While making subtle points about his background as a geologist, restaurant owner and now Mayor of Denver, Hickenlooper is seen suiting up looking like he's getting to ride in a rodeo. In the spot he maintains a stern Clint Eastwood-like visage.

Unlike just about every political stuffed shirt who usually wears starched shirts and only puts on jeans and boots when campaigning, Hickenlooper doesn't pretend to be something he's not.

Two other points impress me. First, he doesn't take political cheap shots at those running against him. Second, his spots are produced here in Colorado by Colorado people. I guarantee you 90% of the mud-slinging ads you see are produced by companies back east, by people who've never been to Colorado. Heck, they don't even know where Colorado is.

So thank you (again) Mayor Hickenlooper for opening the windows and letting some fresh air into another stuffy political season. Your spots entertain and engage the viewer. Whether or not they agree with you will be decided early next month.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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