Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Obama Chamber Charges Baseless, Factless.

Before I begin, this isn't about partisanship. It's about a dangerous game being played out by the President and when he does, it's our responsibility to call him out. So far, many people have beat me to the punch. But here's a re-cap.

The President is getting desperate. Any time a politician makes things up it's not a good sign. Doubly so when it's POTUS.

President Obama along with Vice-President Biden claim the United States Chamber of Commerce is essentially funneling foreign money into the 2010 campaign. When all else fails, blame everyone but yourself.

The Columbia Journalism Review called out the President in this article, documenting what is a fake scandal. You know, the stuff fairy tales are made of. Make believe.

Claims vs fact according to the Columbia Journalism Review:
-The source of the President's "facts" was a left-wing blog that broke the basic journalism rule of assertion without attribution. It's fancy talk for "making things up."
-Then in an embarrassing exchange between Bob Schieffer of CBS News and White House Advisor David Axelrod, Schieffer asked for proof of what the administration claimed about the Chamber. Axelrod came up short. Way short.

-The Associated Press says flat out there is no evidence to support the administration's claims.

An administration that makes things up to frighten the electorate is an administration in trouble. Ultimately this is a huge insult to the very people the President is sworn to serve and protect. The President believes that if you "evade the truth" about something often enough, people start to believe it. Some sadly do. Most do not.

In a word, it's shameful and an example of all that's wrong in government that puts power and greed above the best interests of the people.

In a word, it's shameful. It's also dangerous to the very freedoms this nation was founded upon.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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